Saturday 15 September 2012

Cinnamon Almonds aka. Little bites of heaven!

Almonds, almond butter, almond milk, almond body wash! I am crazy about almonds and love to add them to just about anything! For those who also follow my Instagram you will know I am without peanut butter for the month leading up to my dancing competitions due to my unhealthy addiction (a jar a week easily!). In saying this I have adopted a new love of cinnamon. I currently cant get enough of it and put it in milk, in my overnight oats (recipe to come!), on sweet potato (especially delicious on clean sweet potato chips!) and I thought why not put it with one of my other loves as well, almonds!

A great friend of mine and fellow clean sister, Natasha (as seen in the picture before a night out! She's so beautiful and makes me look so short haha) , would always come to uni eating these delicious cocoa almonds and I thought one day I will make them! That day recently came however, cinnamon was my powder of choice!

Cinnamon Almonds

100g raw, natural almonds
1 egg white
1 tbs natural honey
2 tbs cinnamon
6 packets of a natural sweetener (I used stevia)

Roast almonds on a baking tray for 5 minutes at 180 degrees. Remove and allow to cool.

Whisk egg and honey in a bowl. Combine cinnamon and the sweetener to a zip lock bag and shake. Put the almonds into the egg mix and stir to cover all almonds with egg whites. Remove from the bowl and put into the zip lock bag with a fork so no excess egg whites go into the cinnamon mixture (they will go gluggy if there is too much egg white).

Shake vigorously so the almonds are covered and pour onto a baking tray, spreading them out in a single layer. Bake in the oven for a further 15-20 mins or until crunchy (my mum prefers them crunchier than I do so its a good excuse to try as you go so you know how you like them!).

I wish I knew how to say delicious in more languages than english just for this recipe! So easy to chuck them in a zip lock bag and put them in your bag for uni or the gym. Instant energy hit of good fats! I will definitely be trying the cocoa almonds next!

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