Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Chicken Stirfry and Cauliflower Fried "Rice"

Serves 1

Cauliflower Fried Rice

1c cauliflower rice (blended cauliflower)
1/2 diced onion
1/4c diced capsicum
1 egg white
2 tsp coconut oil

Fry onion and capsicum until brown. Add cauliflower and coconut oil and combine. Add the egg white and stir quickly so egg mixes through the rice.

Chicken Stirfry
1c mixed stirfry vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, beans, mushrooms etc)
100g chicken diced
1tb chilli paste
1tb dried chives
1tsp coconut oil
1 tsp honey
1tb coconut aminos (tastes like soy sauce)

Quickly brown chicken in a hot pan with coconut oil and remove before cooked through. Add to a baking tray and put in an oven on low (120-150 degrees) for 5 minutes. Steam the vegetables in the pan until soft. Take the chicken out and add to the vegetables. The chicken should have leaked all its juices so this will help make the sauce so add all of it into the pan. Add the final ingredients and combine.

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