Sunday, 13 January 2013

Paleo Vege and Beef Mini Quiches

Part of my meal prep this week for snacks! Each one is 1/3c veges and 1.5 oz protein.

1c grated zucchini
3/4c grated carrot
1 diced onion
3/4c sliced mushrooms
1/2c diced capsicum
3/4c broccoli
6 whole eggs
6 egg whites
4oz lean ground meat (I used beef)
2tb my homemade marinara sauce
1tsp paprika
1/2tb mixed herbs

Brown the mince in a pan and add the marinara, paprika and herbs. Combine the vegetables in a large bowl and stir in the beef mixture. Whisk eggs, add to the bowl and combine. Spoon into a muffin tray and cook in a 150 degree oven for 45 minutes or until set. Keep an eye on them as you dont want them to overcook and it will depend on how full they are and how good your oven is (mine is on the fritz at the moment and is taking longer to cook food!)

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