Thursday, 10 January 2013

Zucchini "pasta" with mushrooms, chicken and avocado sauce!

This was incredible. I would serve this in a restaurant (pipe dream haha)! I couldn't believe how the zucchini actually tasted like pasta or maybe its the fact I haven't had pasta in over 6 months!

1 large zucchini (yeilds about 1 1/2c of pasta)
100g cooked and shredded chicken
1/2c diced mushrooms
1/2 avocado
1/6 lemon
1 tb fresh garden chilli paste

Set a mandolin to flat, thin slices and slice the zucchini. Stack them up about 4-5 high and using a very sharp, long knife slice the zucchini into long, skinny ribbons. Place them in a bowl with a sprinkle of salt and allow to sit for no less than 30 minutes.

Boil water and add the zucchini to the water for 1 minutes. Remove and run through cold water to stop the cooking process.

Thoroughly mix the avocado, chilli, cracked pepper and the juices from the lemon, until smooth with no lumps.

In a pan brown the mushrooms and heat the chicken. Add the zucchini and stir through. Take off the heat, add the sauce and stir through. Finish with a crack of black pepper.

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