Sunday, 13 January 2013

Homemade Paleo Marinara Sauce

8 vine tomatoes 
1 Bunch of fresh basil 
1/2 cup of water 
2 small onions 
1 cup mushrooms 
1 tb dried oregano 
A good sprinkle of black pepper

Roast the tomatoes (cut into eighths) with half the basil, oregano and pepper for 2 hours at 150 degrees. When the tomatoes are done brown the onion in a pot and add the mushrooms. Blend the tomatoes in a blender and add to the pot with the water and the remaining basil. Cook for a further 1 hour, stirring frequently. 

I put the sauce into an ice cube container and put it into the freezer so when I need sauce I simply pop one out and melt it in the microwave. 

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